New Materials

Adult Fiction

lost coast.jpgflashpoint.jpgarkangel.jpg

all the  colors.jpgTalking to strangers.jpgSpirit crossing.jpg

this is way we lied.jpgangel of vengeance.jpgflashback.jpg

god of the woods.jpgstrange folk.jpgSeventh veil.jpg

thing twice.jpgtwenty four hour.jpga death in cornwall.jpg

lula dean.jpgSandwich.jpgthe summer pact.jpg


black bird oracle.jpgwhat have you done.jpgfire and bones.jpg

Housemaid is watching.jpgParadise Problem.jpgThe Hunter.jpg

The Burning.jpgthe briar club.jpghow the light gets in.jpg

husbands and lovers.jpgswan song.jpgsalty piece of land.jpg

calamity of souls.jpgExtinction.jpghard to kill.jpg

camino ghosts.jpglies and weddings.jpgi will ruin you.jpg

our little secret.jpgToxic Prey.jpgSmolder.jpg

Lucky.jpgbest life book club.jpgevery time i go on vacation.jpg




tom selleck.jpgfinding god's will.jpgChallenger.jpg


Life, Pope.webpThe lost tomb.jpgthe art of power.jpg

Otter Country.jpgbird audubon missed.jpgComfort of Crows.jpg

the woman in me.jpgcoming home.jpgnever enough.jpg

Warren and bill.jpgThe Secret Lives.jpga walk in the park.jpg


Juvenile Fiction and Young Adult

mystery locked rooms.jpgroswell johnson.jpgbo and the witch.webp

fluffle bunnies.jpgsuper pancake.jpgrace to warp speed.jpg

Ferris.jpgTHe lost library.jpgwe still belong.jpg

FInaally heard.jpgcave crystal dragon.jpgwaits in forest.jpg

Flip Flops.jpgSchool invisible boys.jpgone an donly family.jpg

2024-2025 Children's Choice Awards

2024-2025  Children's choice.png

DVD's and Blu-Ray


Canterville Ghost.jpgTHe mighty movie.jpgTrolls band.jpg

Migration.jpgkung fun panda 4.jpg

the holdovers.jpgOndine.jpgghostbusters frozen empire.jpg

Priscilla.jpgWeird Al.jpgSongbirds.jpg